Author | Title |
Muller, Bruce | 3D Printing a Data Driven Model of the Drosophila Brain |
Wang, Zongzuo | A Deep Learning Approach to Identifying Household |
Zhang, Chaoyun | A Deep Learning Approach to Identifying Household |
Tsirigotakis, Nikolaos | A framework for en masse network security evaluation and |
Hanschke, Vanessa | A Social Machine for the Heart Manual Programme |
Owers, James | An Exploration into the Application of Convolutional Neural |
Wingard, Alex | An Exploration of Item Relatedness in a User-Curated Corpus |
Rauch, Christian | Articulated Tracking for Humanoid Manipulation |
Hillerström, Daniel | Compilation of Effect Handlers and their Applications in |
Worthing, Daniel | Computational Conceptual Blending as a Model of Spatial |
Gkanias, Evripidis | Data-driven adaptation of the evasion behaviour in fiddler |
Daniel, Rick | Database Support for Minority Language Policy Research |
Schwarz, Jonathan | Deep generative models for semi-supervised motion |
Möws, Benjamin | Deep Learning for Stock Market Prediction: Exploiting |
Ovalle castañeda, Alvaro | Deep Reinforcement Learning Variants of Multi-Agent |
Fitzpatrick, Richard | Enacting Memory: Rethinking Our Capacity to Remember |
Martin, Mario | Experiential Physicalism versus Biological Naturalism |
Wilmot, David | Generating Stories from Images |
Krämer, Martin | Health Monitors Under The Magnifying Glass: A Privacy And |
Ginsbach, Philip | Idiom Specific Code Transformations for Parallelising |
Pizzuti, Federico | Implementing an OpenMP backend for the Lift compiler |
Storeng, Peter | Implementing Marked Nulls in PostgreSQL |
Horn, Rudi | Increasing Portable Machine Learning Performance by |
Roochun, Yogmatee | Inference of gene regulatory networks using dynamic |
Mills, Daniel | Information Theoretically Secure Hypothesis Test for |
Bosga, Jorren | Learning Constrained Null Space Policies |
Cojocaru, Alexandru | On the possibility of classical client secure delegated |
Puente encinas, Albert | Parallel implementation of a spike detection method for |
Blackbourn, Luke | Plastic Parallel Programming |
Fischer, Darius | Predicting the well-being of COPD patients with respiratory |
Stouraitis, Theodoros | Robotcrab: The algorithmic approach |
Rezqi, Mure | Securitometer: Developing an Overall Security Metrics for |
Navarrete Martínez, Juan | Smart Public Transport System: London's Bicycle Sharing |
Jaques, Miguel | Teaching Machines to Paint |
Cai, Chenghao | The Application of Reformation to Repair Faulty Analogical |
Velarde, Maria paz | Using Static Analysis To Display Privacy Properties of Apps |